Dyslexia Testing near Saline MI

Dyslexia Testing near Saline MI

Have you noticed some early signs of dyslexia in your child? This will likely involve struggles learning new words, sounding out words, reading, or developing language skills. If so, you may want to pursue dyslexia testing near Saline MI. This is a service we provide here at CNLD Testing & Therapy.

  • Gain a Better Understanding of Your Child’s Frustrations
  • Create a Foundation for Support Systems to Improve the Quality of Life with Dyslexia
  • Explore Special Education Accommodations That You Need a Professional Diagnosis for
  • Get Positive Support at Every Turn – We’ll Guide You Through Each Step along the Way
  • Find out What Other Conditions May Be Contributing to Your Child’s Struggles in School
  • Identify Strengths That Can Help Your Child Overcome Weaknesses

Give us a call at (734) 994-9466 to schedule an appointment or learn more about our services.

Understanding Dyslexia: Diagnosis and Treatment Options

It’s a common myth that dyslexia is rare when in reality, roughly 20% of people experience some form of dyslexia. This learning disability sits on a spectrum, so some people have more severe symptoms than others.

Here at CNLD Testing & Therapy, we evaluate a person’s comprehensive symptoms and struggles to determine if they have dyslexia or another underlying condition. Then, we refer them to specialists in the area who can help with the next step in their journey. This may include an educational advocate to secure special education accommodations, as well as a counselor who provides dyslexia treatment.

For more information about getting a dyslexia diagnosis, contact us at (734) 994-9466.

CNLD Testing & Therapy
5864 Interface Dr., Ste. D
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Discover the Root Cause of Your Child’s Struggles and Frustrations

CNLD Testing & Therapy offers personalized psychological testing for complex cases. It may be difficult to diagnose dyslexia when there are other factors involved, such as ADHD or autism. Our specialists know how to identify these unique combinations, and we can pinpoint your child’s strengths to help overcome weaknesses. Here is an overview of our services:

  • ADHD Testing and ADD Testing
  • Neurological Disorder Testing, Learning Disability Testing, and Dyslexia Testing near Saline MI
  • Educational Advocacy, IEEs, and Executive Functions Coaching
  • Autism Testing and Nonverbal Learning Disorder Testing (NVLD)
  • Mental Health Exams for Anxiety, Depression, and Other Conditions
  • Postpartum and Infant Mental Health Testing
  • Giftedness Evaluations, Twice Exceptional Testing, and IQ Exams
  • Bipolar Disorder Testing
  • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and Fetal Alcohol Effects Testing
  • Teletherapy and Counseling Services for Families, Teens, Children, Adults, and Couples
  • Accommodations for Special Education Students Taking College Entrance and High-Stakes Exams

Contact CNLD Testing & Therapy at (734) 994-9466 to Schedule an Appointment for Dyslexia Testing near Saline MI