Dyslexia Testing near Howell MI

Dyslexia Testing near Howell MI

Does your child struggle with reading and learning new words? Do you personally struggle to differentiate between similar-sounding words? These may be indicators that you or your child have dyslexia. CNLD Testing & Therapy offers professional dyslexia testing near Howell MI.

Common signs of dyslexia include the following:

  • Delayed speech and reading development
  • Frustrations and heightened emotions when asked to complete reading-related tasks
  • Troubles with memorization or learning nursery rhymes
  • Difficulty sounding out words or distinguishing between similar words
  • Trouble finding the right words to complete an answer
  • Issues with spelling or understanding sight words
  • Reversing sounds in words or letters in spelling

If you would like more information about how dyslexia evaluations work, please give us a call at (734) 994-9466.

What Causes Dyslexia?

Researchers are still unclear about what causes dyslexia, but many believe it is linked to genetics. As a result, a person with dyslexia or other learning disabilities in their family history may have a higher risk of having dyslexia. Each person has a unique experience with dyslexia symptoms, and some symptoms are more severe than others. Early intervention can help children manage dyslexia and find personalized accommodations to fit their needs.

Contact CNLD Testing & Therapy at (734) 994-9466 to schedule an appointment for dyslexia testing near Howell MI.

CNLD Testing & Therapy
5864 Interface Dr., Ste. D
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Mental Health Support and Psychological Testing for Children, Teens, and Adults

Some of the symptoms of dyslexia overlap with other conditions. Similarly, coinciding conditions may alter the way someone with dyslexia interacts with the world. The specialists at CNLD Testing & Therapy can put together the puzzle pieces to determine what’s going on beneath the surface. We offer a myriad of testing services to give you the answers you need to seek personalized treatment. Those services include the following:

  • ADHD Testing and ADD Testing
  • Executive Functions Coaching
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder Testing
  • Neurological Disorder Testing
  • Nonverbal Learning Disorder Testing (NVLD)
  • Mental Health Evaluations and Counseling Services
  • Learning Disability Testing, Including Dyslexia Testing near Howell MI
  • Educational Advocacy Services
  • IQ Testing
  • Bipolar Disorder Testing
  • Infant Mental Health Testing
  • Giftedness and Twice Exceptional Assessments
  • Independent Educational Evaluations
  • Substance Abuse Exposure Testing, Including Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Testing
  • Teletherapy Appointments
  • Special Accommodations for College Entrance Exams

If You’d Like to Pursue Dyslexia Testing near Howell MI, Contact CNLD Testing & Therapy at (734) 994-9466