ADHD Coaching in Ann Arbor

There are many different types of coaches who help individuals improve technique and skills to meet the demands of a specific activity (e.g., sports, dance, voice and workplace). The concept of coaching for ADHD originally was described by Hallowell and Ratey in their book, Driven to Distraction (1994, revised 2011) who emphasize that individuals with … Read more

What and Where is IQ?

Have you ever asked yourself, “What is IQ?” Historically, IQ (intelligence quotient) was defined as a score or number that is calculated by dividing your mental age by your chronological age and multiplying it by 100. If that did not clarify things or you felt that was a not satisfactory answer to my original question, … Read more

You see a stranger…

You see a stranger stub her toe and you immediately flinch in sympathy, or you notice a friend wrinkle up his face in disgust while tasting some food and suddenly

Every thought and action…

Every thought and action is controlled by the brain — the body’s most complex organ. The brain is divided into functional units with particular tasks, like processing visual information

In the brain…

In the brain, nerve cells never work alone. In a neural circuit, the activity of one cell directly influences many others.

95% of the parents…

95% of the parents who phone our office say that their child has ADD and needs to be tested. While it absolutely could be ADD, it might be something else.