Psychological Testing in Ann Arbor MI
“Get a personalized road map for improved mental health.”
Why is my child struggling in school? Why can’t I stay on track at work? What is causing these behavior changes within the family? These are some of the questions you may ask yourself before seeking a psychological evaluation. With a professional diagnosis, you can pinpoint the specific cause of your obstacles and learn effective solutions to resolve them.
CNLD Testing & Therapy offers comprehensive psychological testing in Ann Arbor MI. We are proud to serve members of this community, including infants, teens, children and adults.
- We’ve Completed over 4,000 Psychological Tests in the Last Five Years!
- Consistent Referrals from Doctors, Neurologists, Pediatricians, Clinical Psychologists, Therapists, Lawyers and Schools
- A Diverse Staff of Doctorate-Level Clinical Psychologists with Over 20 Years of Experience in Their Specialties
- Proudly Serving Ann Arbor MI Since 1992
- We Offer Complete Follow-up Services after Psychological Testing, Including Education Advocacy, Therapy, and Executive Functions Coaching
- Personalized Mental Health Care from Compassionate, Non-Judgmental Professionals
If you would like a consultation for psychological testing in Ann Arbor MI, contact us at (734) 994-9466.
Step-by-Step Support Long after the Diagnosis
Psychological testing is the first step in improved mental health. What happens after the diagnosis though? While some testing centers leave you to fend for yourself, CNLD Testing & Therapy guides you every step of the way. We provide personalized intervention planning, educational advocacy and therapy in our conveniently-located office:
CNLD Testing & Therapy
5864 Interface Dr., Ste. D
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
The first step in your journey is an appointment with one of our specialists. Please call (734) 994-9466 to get started.
Psychological Testing for Children, Teens and Adults
CNLD Testing & Therapy provides confidential, non-judgmental psychological testing for children and adults, regardless of gender identification. Whether you’re looking for answers for yourself or for your child, out clinical psychologists are here to assist you. Our comprehensive evaluation programs include:
- Learning Disabilities Testing, Including Dyslexia Testing, Dyscalculia Testing, and Dysgraphia Testing
- Nonverbal Learning Disorders Testing
- Bipolar Disorders Testing
- Infant Mental Health Testing
- Neurological Disorders Testing
- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Testing (FASD Testing)
- ADHD Testing and ADD Testing
- Development and School Readiness Testing Anxiety Testing
- Autism Testing and Asperger’s Testing
- Cognitive Impairment Testing
- Depression Testing
- Executive Function Testing
- High Stakes Exams Testing (SAT, ACT, GMAT, LSAT, etc.)
- IQ Testing
- Neuropsychological Testing
- Twice Exceptional Testing and Giftedness Testing
- And Other Forms of Psychological Testing in Ann Arbor MI