Developmental Assessment
This type of evaluation is completed with younger children (ages 2-5) who may be experiencing a delay with cognition, language, motor or social skills — or questions about advanced skill development/enrichment. Early identification of a child’s unique strengths and weaknesses, together with early interventions, are incredible tools to help close developmental gaps.
The schedule for a developmental assessment includes the one-hour parent interview, an observation in the classroom (if the child is in preschool) — done without the child being aware that s/he is being observed so we can see as natural-as-possible behavior — play observation and testing in the clinic (which may take one or multiple days) and then the parent follow-up appointment. Recommendations can be made on whether or not the child is ready for school (age- or grade-wise), if a particular school placement would be appropriate and/or suggestions of how best to help the child learn.