How Long Should a Child’s Attention Span Be?

Sport young asian woman work out with little girl at home

Children are known for having short attention spans, but how short is too short? Is your child just an excited kid with a lot on his mind, or is there something else contributing to the attention span? This guide explains how long a child’s attention span should be, along with tips for improving your child’s … Read more

Does My Child Have ADHD or Just High Energy?

A multi-ethnic group of elementary age children are playing together outside at recess. They are chasing each other and are playing tag.

Children are hyper by nature. Their minds are running a million miles an hour, and their bodies want to move just as fast. This is why some children with ADHD go undiagnosed, because their symptoms are perceived as ‘normal behavior.’ How can you tell the difference between ADHD and high energy? Should your child get … Read more