Ann Arbor Psychotherapy: Let’s Talk About Depression

Ann Arbor Psychotherapy: Let's Talk About Depression

Have you ever heard people say, “I feel depressed today” or “Man, I’m so depressed right now!” – many people use the word “depressed” in casual conversation without understanding what is clinical depression.  A lot of people use the word depressed when they are feeling sad but there is a difference between grieving, sadness and … Read more

Mental Health in Ann Arbor: What is Schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia in Ann Arbor

Have you ever wondered what is Schizophrenia? It is common to have heard about Schizophrenia but to not know much about it. Schizophrenia originates from the Greek language and was initially identified by the psychiatrist Paul Eugen Bleuler in 1910. Researchers believe that 1% of people have Schizophrenia and it affects people most commonly in … Read more

Autism in Ann Arbor: The Disappearance of Asperger’s Syndrome

Autism in Ann Arbor: The Disappearance of Asperger's Syndrome

Where did Asperger’s syndrome go? For years people were diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome, considered by many to be a “less severe” version of Autism. In 2013, Asperger’s syndrome was removed from the diagnostic manual used by mental health professionals, otherwise known as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders or the DSM. Why did … Read more

Ann Arbor Lifestyle: Making Realistic Resolutions and Goals

Ann Arbor Lifestyle: Making Realistic Resolutions and Goals

The New Year tends to be a time when people decide to make resolutions, start the year with a blank slate and work towards new goals. Deciding what resolutions to make can be quite daunting and we often make the mistake of setting unattainable and lofty goals which quickly dissolve over a couple of months. … Read more

Ann Arbor Neuropsychology: Exercise and Brain Health

Doctors continually tell patients how important exercise is for physical health and disease prevention. Research tells us exercising decreases the likelihood of heart disease, stroke, obesity, cancer, and diabetes. But did you know exercise also improves mental health? Physical exercise can treat mild to moderate depression and anxiety, and even dementia. Experts continue to analyze … Read more

Executive Function Coaching in Ann Arbor: Can Your Brain Really Multitask?

Recently, multitasking has become a popular buzzword, many people consider their ability to multitask a strength and a skill. Most everyone tries to multitask at some point during their day. Have you ever tried to watch television while answering emails? Or talking on the phone while you drive? Sent a text in class while the … Read more

Ann Arbor Psychotherapy: Meditation for Stress and Anxiety

Did you know that meditation can help you manage your stress, anxiety and make you more productive? Meditation can positively impact your mental health by increasing mindfulness, reducing stress, rumination and even mild depression and anxiety. The practice of mindfulness can help people change their perspectives and assist them in considering other options. Meditation can … Read more

Ann Arbor Psychotherapy: Managing Stress in Your Life

Stress can affect your physical body, your thoughts, feelings and actions. It can be the reason for your headaches, sleep problems and why you feel overwhelmed, unable to focus or irritable. Being able to recognize when you are feeling stressed is a good way to avoid eventual health problems that develop when stress is not … Read more

Ann Arbor Psychotherapy: Why Do We Act the Way We Do?

We often wonder why we do the things we do, why we act in certain ways and what guides our interactions with others. There are different theories regarding human behavior that attempt to explain and answer these questions. Here are a few examples of theories that someone might use to help understand behavior and how … Read more